Anchorage Historic Depot Baggage Shelter Rehabilitation
- Project Facts (2023)
Beluga Point Safety Improvements
- Project Facts (2024)
Anchorage Area Track Rehabilitation
- Heads up Flyer - Tie Replacement through greater Anchorage summer 2022
Anchorage Area Bridge Projects
- Project Facts - MP 114.3, replace bridge over Ship Creek (2024)
- Project Facts - MP 127.5, replace rail bridge over Eagle River (2024)
- Project Facts - MP 86.6, replace the rail bridge over Bird Creek (2024)
Earthquake Embankment Repair (north of Anchorage, MP 138-140)
- Project Facts - MP 138-140, repair damage north of Anchorage (2024)
Anchorage Car Shop Public Address System
- Project Facts - replace earthquake damaged PA equipment (2022)
Anchorage Right-of-Way Trespass Mitigation and Public Safety (2020)
- Project Facts - MP 111.9 to 112.14, near Forrest Park (2020)
- Project Facts - MP 111.2 to 111.8, near Muriel Park (2020)
Depot Drive Access Improvements (new roadway west of Historic Depot)
- Project Facts (2020 update)
Anchorage Yard Locomotive Fueling Facility
- Project Facts (2020)
Potter Hill (South Anchorage, ARRC MP 103) Embankment Repair and Slope Stabilization
Anchorage Road-Rail Crossings
- Historic Depot - West-end Depot Drive Access Improvements
- Anchorage Crossing Upgrade Projects
- Anchorage C Street Crossing Challenges and Upgrades
- Anchorage Train Whistle Reduction
Anchorage Historic Depot Traffic and Pedestrian Access Improvements
(a Ship Creek ITC project)
Ship Creek Intermodal Transportation Center (ITC)
- Project Facts
- Ship Creek Intermodal Environmental Assessment
- Ship Creek Intermodal FONSI
- EA Re-evaluation - Quayana Park/Section4(f) Analysis Facts
- Re-evaluation Revised Site Plan for Phase I
- Public Involvement Process
- Ship Creek Intermodal EA Re-Evaluation Documentation
- Re-Evaluation FONSI
Ship Creek Area Sewer System Extension to Tenants
Expanded Rail Service Opportunities: Anchorage to Mat-Su
Bridge 351.4 Replacement (unnamed creek / gully near Denali Park entrance)
- Project Facts (2024)
Bridge 354 Replacement (near Healy)
Project Facts (2024)
Bridge 355.2 Replacement (near Healy)
- Project Facts (2024)
Healy Canyon Safety & Reliability Program
- Project Facts - MP 357.1 Slope Stabilization and Drainage Improvements (2024)
- Healy Canyon Stabilization (2021)
- Safety & Reliability Program plans Facts (2012)
- Moody Tunnel Removal - Section 4F Evaluation
- 4F Evaluation - Appendix A - Eligibility Determination Form
- 4F Evaluation - Appendix B - SHPO Correspondence
- 4F Evaluation - Appendix C - NMFS/USFWS Correspondence
- 4F Evaluation Figure - Conceptual Design
- 4F Evaluation Figure - Tunnel Quad
Denali Park Area Rail Realignment
- Project Facts
- Denali Park Realignment (MP 344-348) Feasibility Study (Nov 2018; released June 2019)
Replace Bridge at ARRC Milepost 354 (Bison Gulch, South of Healy)
Projects Facts (2024)
Replace Bridge at ARRC Milepost 355.2 (South of Healy)
Projects Facts (2024)
Rehabilitate Bridge at ARRC Milepost 413.7 (Nenana)
Projects Facts (2024)
Rehabilitate Bridge at ARRC Milepost 467.8
Project Facts (2024)
Rehabilitate Bridge at ARRC Milepost 467.9 (Noyes Slough)
- Project Facts (2022)
Replace Bridge at ARRC Milepost 422.9 (Little Goldstream Creek)
- Project Facts (2021)
Erosion Mitigation ARRC Milepost 379-380 (along Nenana River)
- Project Facts (2021)
Crossing Upgrades in Moose Creek (Near North Pole)
- Project Facts (2021)
Ferry Bridge (ARRC MP 370.7) Pier Replacement & Embankment Protection
- Ferry Bridge Bearing Replacement (2022)
- Ferry Bridge Project Initial Fact Sheet
- Ferry Bridge 2019 Fact Sheet and FAQ
- Ferry Bridge Open House (Jan. 18, 2018) Postcard Invitation
- Ferry Bridge Open House Display Boards
Healy Canyon Safety & Reliability
- Project Facts - Stabilization efforts (2021)
- 2021 Healy Canyon Final Report on area studies and recommendations (2022) (28 mb)
- Historical Project Recap and Planning (2012)
Relationship Between Previous Fairbanks Area Project Studies
Fairbanks Area Rail Line Relocation (FARLR)
- Project Facts
- Previous Studies
- Map: Phases of Fairbanks-North Pole Realignment
- Just the Facts: Corrections to Misinformation
- Memorandum of Understanding - ARRC & FBNSB
- FRA Independent Utility Determination Letter - Jan 2007
- 3-Mile Gate Alignmnent Study (May 2007) - 47 KB
- 3-Mile Gate Alignment Option 1 - 2.75 MB
- 3-Mile Gate Alignment Option 2 - 2.83 MB
- 3-Mile Gate Alignment Option 3 - 2.71 MB
- Fairbanks-North Pole Realignment (F-NPR) Phase III Technical Analysis (May 2007)
- F-NPR Phase III Analysis - Appendix A: Typical Maps - 7.5 MB
- F-NPR Phase III Analysis - Appendix B: Typical Sections - 0.6 MB
- F-NPR Phase III Analysis - Appendix C: Parks Hwy - 11.6 MB
- F-NPR Phase III Analysis - Appendix D: Chena Pump - 48.6 MB
- F-NPR Phase III Analysis - Appendix E: Trainor Gate - 7.4 MB
- F-NPR Phase III Analysis - Appendix F: DOT Letters - 1.2 MB
- Fairbanks-North Pole Realignment Reconnaissance (2001)
- Fairbanks-North Pole Realignment Phasing Report (2002)
- Public Comments from Fairbanks Residents
North Pole Road/Rail Crossing Reduction (FARLR Phase One)
- Project Facts
- Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)- signed by FRA 12/7/2012
- Environmental Assessment
- Link to FTP site for EA Appendices
- EA Scoping Summary Report
- Previous Studies
- January 26 Scoping Meeting Presentation (2.3 MB)
- Project Schedule
- Public Scoping Meeting 1/26/2011 News Release
- Public Comment Form
Nenana Rail Line Relocation
- Project Facts
- EA FONSI and Addendum
- Environmental Assessment
- EA Figure 1
- EA Figure 2
- EA Figure 3
- EA Figure 4
- EA Figure 5
- EA Figure 6
- EA Figure 7
- EA Appendix A
- EA Appendix B
Northern Rail Extension
- Project Facts - Overall Phased Project, Phase One (Tanana River Crossing) and FAQs
- Phase One Public Open House - 6:00 - 8:00 p.m., March 21, 2012, Salcha School
- 2nd Quarter 2013 Report
- 3rd Quarter 2013 Report
- 4th Quarter 2013 Report
- 1st Quarter 2014 Report
- Visit the Project Web Site
- View the Final EIS at STB web site.
At the STB Site
( Click on Environmental Issues, then Key Cases
- STB Record of Decision 1/5/2010 (3.5 MB)
- August 10, 2011 News release - regarding open house and ground-breaking events to highlights Tanana River Bridge construction.
- January 24, 2011 - News release regarding EPA objections to Corps permit
Documents referred to in the release include:
- February 2, 2009, EPA comment letter regarding NRE Draft EIS
- October 9, 2009, EPA comment letter regarding NRE Final EIS
- November 15, 2010, EPA comment letter regarding Corps 404 permit
- December 10, 2010, additional EPA comments to Corps
- January 19, 2011, ARRC letter of response to Corps
- January 24, 2011, Executive summary of ARRC response to Corps
Talkeetna Fiber Optic Communications Upgrade
- Project Facts (2022)
Replace Bridge at MP 158.7 (Cottonwood Creek)
Project Facts (2024)
Talkeetna Depot Parking Lot Rehabilitation
Project Facts (2024)
Rehabilitate Bridge at ARRC MP 227.1 (Talkeetna River)
- Project Facts (2024)
Informational Poster (2023) - Frequently Asked Questions (2023)
Replace Bridge at ARRC MP 284.2 (Hurricane)
Project Facts (2024)
Replace north end of Bridge at ARRC MP 147.4 (Matanuska Flood Channel)
- Project Facts (2022)
Replace Bridge at ARRC MP 190.5 (Little Willow Creek)
- Project Facts (2024)
Railroad Considerations for Glenn Highway Improvements MP 34-42
- Project Facts - Railroad considerations (2024 update)
- ADOT&PF Fact Sheet on MP 34-42 projects (2023 update)
Earthquake Embankment Damage Repair, MP 147.5
- Project Facts (2021)
Wasilla Control Point (upgrade from Control Signal)
- Project Facts (2021)
Willow Area Right-of-Way Clearing for Fire & Public Safety
- Project Facts (2023)
Replace Bridge at ARRC MP 147.5 (Knik River)
- Project Facts (2019)
Mat-Su Road / Rail Crossing Upgrades
- Project Facts - Improvements at MP 185.58 - Willow Station Road (2017)
- Project Facts - area crossing upgrades (2016)
Expanded Rail Service Opportunities
- Project Facts (2020 update)
- Anchorage/Mat-Su Borough Regional Transit Authority Plan
- Updated Southcentral Alaska Commuter Rail Study
- Self-Propelled Commuter-Style Rail Car
South Wasilla Rail Line Relocation (MP154-156)
- Project Facts
- Environmental Assessment
- EA Figure 1 - Project Area
- EA Figure 2 - Proposed Alternatives
Technical Reports (Appendices) available on CD
Port MacKenzie Rail Extension
- Project Facts (2024)
- Project Display Board(2012)
- 2013 Quarterly Report
- Project Web Site -
- STB Record of Decision (11/22/2011) - News Release
- STB approves Final EIS - News Release
- Final EIS - Executive Summary
- Final EIS document - link to STB web site
- Memorandum of Understanding
- RFP Environmental-Public Involvement Pre-Bid Meeting Sign-In
- Mat-Su Borough 2003 Port MacKenzie Rail Corridor Study
Seward Depot Baggage Shelter Replacement
- Project Facts (2023)
Seward Passenger Dock Replacement (2024)
- Project Facts (2024)
South-end Communications Sites Power Generation (MP 4.0 - 46.8)
- Project Facts (2023)
Replace Bridge at ARRC MP 25.4 (Falls Creek)
- Project Facts (2021)
Replace Bridge at ARRC MP 25.7 (Lower Trail Lake)
- Project Facts (2021)
Seward Freight Dock Expansion & Corridor Improvement
- Project Facts (2024)
Seward Terminal Reserve - Master Planning (2016-2017)
- Project Facts (2021)
- Seward Marine Terminal Expansion Planning - Master Plan (2017) (16.8 mb)
- Seward Marine Terminal Expansion Master Plan Appendices (2017) (11.5 mb)
- Seward Transportation Connectivity Study (2017) (6.8 mb)
- Seward Freight Traffic Study (2017) (5.7 mb)
- Seward Passenger Traffic Study (2017) (8 mb)
Seward Fiber Optic Communications Upgrade
- Project Facts (2020)
Seward Dock Investments (2003 - 2014)
Seward Loading Facility Investments and Closure
- Project Facts - (2015)
- Closure Decision - (2016)
Whittier Infrastructure and Master Planning
- Project Facts - Whittier Terminal Master Plan Update (2023)
Whittier Branch MP F5.8 Whittier Tunnel
Project Facts (November 2024)
Whittier Branch MP F6.8 Avalanche Control Upgrade
Portage Station Improvements
- Project Facts (2024)
Whittier: Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel - road-rail surface maintenance
- Project Facts (September 2021)
Bridge at MP 64.7 (Twentymile River)
Project Facts (2024)
Chugach Forest - Whistle Stop Service
Defect Detector Upgrades
Project Facts (2024)
Control Point Powered Switch Machine Upgrades
- Project Facts - Upgrades to switch machines, Whittier / Portage to Hurricane (2023)
Drainage Improvements (Culvert Repair/Replace) and Embankment Protection
- Project Facts - MP 66.09 Culvert Replacement
Project Facts - MP 67.51 Culvert Replacement - Project Facts - MP 357.1 Drainage Improvement and Stabilization (2023)
Communication Sites and Infrastructure
- Project Facts - Communication site power generation replacement, MP 40-46.8 (2023)
- Project Facts - site construction / upgrades to support PTC and PMRE projects (2015)
Bridge Program
- Project Facts - Overall Program (2024 update)
- Bridge at MP 25.4 (Moose Pass / Crown Point)
- Bridge at MP 25.7 (Moose Pass / Crown Point)
Bridge at MP 54.1 (Portage/Spencer Glacier) - Bridge at MP 64.7 (Twentymile River)
Bridge at 86.6 (Bird Creek, south of Anchorage) - Bridge at 127.5 (Eagle River, north of Anchorage)
Bridge at MP 147.4 (Matanuska)
Bridge at MP 158.7 (Cottonwood Creek) - Bridge at MP 190.5 (Willow)
- Bridge at MP 227.1 (Talkeetna River)
- Bridge at MP 284.2 (Hurricane)
- Bridge at MP 351.4 (Denali)
- Bridge at MP 354 (Bison Gulch, South of Healy)
- Bridge at MP 355.2 (South of Healy)
- Bridge at MP 370.7 (Ferry)
Bridge at MP 413.7 (Nenana) - Bridge at MP 422.9 (10 miles north of Nenana)
- Bridge at MP 467.8 (drainage near Fairbanks) Yard
- Bridge at MP 467.9 (Noyes Slough near Fairbanks Yard)
- Addressing Graffiti on Railroad Bridges - frequently asked questions
- Timber Bridges in ARRC History Brochure
- Annotated Bibliography of Timber Bridges
Track Rehabilitation
- Project Facts (2024)
- Earthquake Embankment Damage Repair - MP 138-140
Positive Train Control
- Project Facts (2021)
Train Whistle Noise Reduction Systems
Operations Support Facilities Program
Project Facts - operational support facilities improvements (2023)
Historic Preservation
- Steam Engine No. 557
- Preservation Effort Facts
- Timber Bridges in ARRC History Brochure
- Annotated Bibliography of Timber Bridges
Passenger Locomotives and Railcars
Locomotive Overhauls and Emission Reduction
Healy Canyon - Erosion, Stabilization and Drainage
Denali Park Rail Realignment Analysis and Planning
Seward Terminal Reserve - Master Planning
- Seward Marine Terminal Expansion Planning - Master Plan (2017) (16.8 mb)
- Seward Marine Terminal Expansion Master Plan Appendices (2017) (11.5 mb)
- Seward Transportation Connectivity Study (2017) (6.8 mb)
- Seward Freight Traffic Study (2017) (5.7 mb)
- Seward Passenger Traffic Study (2017) (8 mb)
- Alaska Railroad Seward Dock Area Master Plan (2014) (4.7 mb)
Dunbar Siding to Livengood Railroad Extension Route
- Geologic Map of the Proposed Dunbar to Livengood Rail Extension
- Final Report - Material Site Investigations, Dunbar Siding
Talkeetna Conceptual Development
- ARRC Reserve in Talkeetna - Conceptual Site Development
- ARRC Reserve in Talkeetna - Blank Aerial (14MB file size)
- ARRC Reserve in Talkeetna - Blank Aerial - Low Res (2MB file size)
- Mat-Su Fish & Numbered Lakes Recreation Management Plan (May 2007 - Draft)
- Mat-Su Talkeetna Riverfront Park - Land Use & Economic Development Strategy (2004)
- Mat-Su Borough Talkeetna Comprehensive Plan - 1999
Wasilla Realignment Alternatives Analysis Study (Feb 2005)
Knik-Goose Bay Road Grade Separation Alternatives Analysis (Jan 2005)
Wasilla Intermodal Facilities Alternative Analysis (Aug 2004)
Summary of non-ARRC Mat-Su Rail Corridor Studies (2003)
Knik Arm Crossing - For information purposes only, an Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities Project (2003)
Wasilla Area Intermodal Plan - Phase 1 (2003)
Anchorage Rail Capacity Noise and Vibration Study (2003)
Anchorage International Airport Road - Rail Reconnaissance Study (2002)
South Central Rail Network Commuter Study and Operation Plan (2002)
Fairbanks to North Pole Rail Realignment Project
City of Wasilla Rail Realignment Study (2002)
ARRC Economic Stimulus Projects (2009-2011)
- Chief Executive Officer Certification-Sec. 1511 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
- Alaska Railroad Corporation Implementation Plan
Alaska Railroad Projects
- Summary of Stimulus-Funded Alaska Railroad Projects
- Positive Train Control (Switch/Track Integrity Monitoring)
- Fairbanks Depot Second Track
- Wheel Impact Load Detector
- Nenana Rail Line Relocation (Hydrology Study)
- Seward Depot Improvements (Restrooms & Shore Power)
- Ship Creek Intermodal Transportation Center (Depot Upgrades)
- Talkeetna Depot Restrooms
- Track Rehabilitation (2010 Materials & Rail Welding)
- Seward East & West Dock Investments (Security Fencing)
- Passenger Cars and Locomotive Equipment (Locomotive Overhaul)
- Locomotive Overhaul and Emission Reduction
For More Information: